Gini Wijnaldum answers question about new midfield challenger Thiago Alcantara

The Dutchman was asked what he thought of the former Bayern Munich man

Gini Wijnaldum thinks Thiago is a perfect match for Liverpool

Thiago joined Liverpool from Bayern for a fee of £27m last month, and huge things are expected of the player given his superb performances in Germany in recent years.

Some believe Thiago arrival could see one or two Liverpool midfielders limited in game time this  season.

Wijnaldum appeared most likely to be on that fit given that he plays the same position as the Spaniard.

However, there did not seem to be any hint of competitiveness or envy coming from the former Newcastle man speaking to the Liverpool official website.

Asked about what most impresses him about Thiago, Wijnaldum replied: "I saw him play for years now, I played against him when we played against Bayern, and the awareness he has on the pitch, the confidence he has on the ball and the way he manages to let the team play is unbelievable.

"He’s such a quality player that is going to make this team even better than we were before. So, I’m really happy, everyone is really happy, to have him here. He’s also happy to be here.

"I think it’s a perfect match: Liverpool and Thiago."

Wijnaldum was strongly linked with a move to
Barcelona this summer after a contract tussle with the Reds that is yet to be resolved.

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